what high schoolers should be doing in the summer

Hey you guys! So today, since it is of course summer, I’m going to talk about things to do when you are bored in the summer but actually really want to be productive. Last year I struggled with this. I didn’t plan too much for the summer, so I ended up with very little to do. Let’s just say that a lot of “This is Us” (NBC) was watched 🙂 .


  • Get a Job! If you are 16+, a summer job is so so so valuable for high schoolers. Hint: it’s not about the extra spending money. Colleges LOVE summer jobs because it shows that you got hired, you worked hard enough to stay hired, and you have experience with the real world. The last thing colleges want are sheltered, spoiled children who don’t know how to wash dishes or talk to people outside of their inner circle. No offense to people who don’t know how to wash dishes lol. Also, having a job (I’m a cashier at a local restaurant) has improved my social skills exponentially. I’m able to better talk to adults, people I don’t know, and be more confident in myself.
  • Volunteer. Volunteering is also super valuable. I recommend keeping up with and increasing your school-year volunteer commitments if possible. For example, I volunteer at my town’s Boys and Girls Club during the school year, and I am still doing it now. I was planning on increasing my commitment, but since I have a job I have not. If you want to start a new volunteer opportunity, try going somewhere where they need more people in the summer. Libraries, summer camps, vacation Bible schools, and recreation centers are all in need of more summer volunteers.
  • Rest! This one’s so important. Summer is a great time to relax, reflect, and get in touch with what is most important to you. This summer I’m trying to slow down, spend more time in prayer, and do some good ol self reflection because I can.
  • Study for SAT/ACT/PSAT. Let’s face it. In the heat of the school year, there isn’t a whole lot of time to study for those standardized tests. That’s why summer is the perfect time to take practice tests, do practice questions on sites like Khan Academy, and read websites (like mine lol) about how to study for them! My goal is to take one practice SAT and one ACT every month this summer, and then take a practice SAT every month until December (when I’ll prob take the test) and an ACT every month until it’s time to take it at my school.
  • Get Involved in your Hobbies. Like to play piano? Then tickle those ivories like crazy this summer! If you love to hike, find some new trails to explore. If art is your thang, then spend time drawing because you have the time!
  • Read. At my school, we have two required summer reading books, and yours might too. But reading is so good for your brain and super fun. In the words of Arthur Read, having fun isn’t hard when you have a library card.
  • Preview Next Year’s Classes. If you know your schedule for next year, then start previewing some of the info you’ll be learning. Make binders. Buy school supplies. Ask people who have taken that class for advice.


I hope you guys have a splendid summer! If you have any requests of posts for me to write, feel free to comment!

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